SDSU Center for K-12 Ethnic Studies
As ethnic studies become more widely adopted at the K-12 level, there has never been a more important moment to leverage schooling as a vehicle for positive social change. This project aims to establish a Center at SDSU to advance innovations around K-12 ethnic studies.
Faculty from Africana Studies, American Indian Studies, Chicana and Chicano Studies, and education will come together to collaborate on the center. They will work on creating a teaching credential, advancing knowledge on the most effective ways to teach ethnic studies, diversifying the teacher workforce, and providing professional development opportunities.

At this critical juncture, the center will leverage the group’s expertise to make SDSU a national leader in the emerging field of K-12 ethnic studies, and be at the forefront of national pedagogical, policy and research conversations.
Equally importantly, the center will actively shape a new generation of diverse educators whose positive impacts on youth will be felt locally, regionally and nationally.
Big Ideas Champion
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