HEROs Institute: Health, Education, Research, Outcomes


Injecting systemic change upstream will be critical to reversing the increasing trends of health disparities and violence in communities. The work of the HEROs Institute will have an immediate and lasting impact on improving health care accessibility and reducing costs. Locally and globally, while medical care continues to advance, access to services is not keeping pace for those on lower socioeconomic tiers.

HEROs Institute Health Education Research Outcomes

The HEROs Institute aims to enhance the standard of health care delivery through focused initiatives bridging the gaps between clinical education, research and accelerating health care delivery.  With expertise in clinical neuroscience, physiotherapy, public health and substance abuse, the team will enhance health care access in order to narrow disparities, promote thriving higher-education and biomedical research, and create healthy communities.

The research team will focus on educating the next generation of biomedical health care professionals, reducing the translational gaps in objective biomedical research and subjective clinical outcomes, improving community health by healing communities, and creating a culture of high performance health care organizations.

Big Ideas Champion

  • Harsimran Baweja, Ph.D., Exercise and Nutritional Sciences
  • Mark Reed, Ph.D., Research & Innovation
  • Matthew Mahar, Ph.D., Exercise and Nutritional Sciences

Team Members

  • Mitchell Rauh, Ph.D., Physical Therapy
  • Michael Rosenthal, Ph.D., Physical Therapy
  • Hala Madanat, Ph.D., Research & Innovation
  • María Luisa Zúñiga, Ph.D., School of Social Work
  • Brandy Lipton, Ph.D., School of Public Health